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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Position 61 added: SPY Diagonal Spread

SPY Diagonal Spread at $1.67 
(Sell MAR 23 '12 139 Call
Buy APR 20 '12 139 Call)

Comments: one day trade for 10% gain

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  1. Do you think you could comment about how you decide what is fair value for the premium. Are waiting and looking for undervalued premiums (long) and overvalued on your shorts? Thanks.

  2. options Premium and stock's strength are not related. Volatility of the stock is the major component of premium. For instance, Sears (SHLD) would have higher premium than Microsoft. I decide shorts/long based on fundamentals, technical, and overall market conditions.

  3. Have you thought about running a fund on You might be able to reach a broader audience (and make a few subscriber $, if you're interested.)

  4. I do want to build a track record before getting into more limelight. 2012 Q3 will be an active quarter for me on many fronts.
