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You may want to investigate other newsletters like Booking Alpha, Benzinga Cash Generator, Benzinga Options and Volatility, Glinser Services, The Option Wiz for the real time alerts and auto trading experience. Commission plays a bigger role in improving the profitability of spread trades. It may be a good idea to open an account with low cost brokerage firm like Options House (100 free trades) to give extra punch to your gains.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays – Promotional Subscription Payments



Track Record as of 12/21/2012 is updated on

Hope you are enjoying subscription to Aggressive/ Guarded/ Both Newsletters (if subscribed). We think July/August losses are behind us and trading has been looking good in Q4, 2012. We encourage you to provide your feedback.

Promotional prices are launched today and are extended to all existent members. Simply, signup at to initiate new periodic payment.

Happy Holidays!

Disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and there is no guarantee that the views and opinions expressed on our website/newsletter will come to pass. Investing in the stock market involves risks and may not be suitable for all investors.